Tickets and Tables
Sponsorship Levels:
Presenting Legacy Sponsors - $300,000
Presenting Sponsors - $150,000
Emerald Legacy Sponsors $200,000 Silver Sponsors $15,000
Emerald Sponsors $100,000 Benefactors Legacy Sponsors $20,000 Diamond Legacy Sponsors $150,000 Benefactors Sponsors $ 10,000 Diamond Sponsors $75,000 Friends Legacy Sponsors $16,000
Platinum Legacy Sponsors $100,000 Friends Sponsors $8,000
Platinum Sponsors $50,000 Donor Legacy Sponsors $10,000
Gold Legacy Sponsors $50,000 Donors $5,000
Gold Sponsors $25,000 Contributors $3,000
Silver Legacy Sponsors $30,000 Supporters $1,700
Individual Tickets: $700
For the full list of sponsor benefits click here.
Silent Auction:
To donate an item to the Silent Auction, please download the Silent Auction Donor Form.